21 Dicembre 2024
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Honorary Members

Livio Ceccarelli

Livio Ceccarelli - Master alabaster craftsman
Livio Ceccarelli was born and always lived in Volterra. Having finished his technical education at the Istituto Statale d´Arte, in his craftsman shop he perpetuates in silence the traditional craftsmanship in alabaster begun by Etruscans 2500 year ago. A well rounded artisan, but decorative by vocation, he makes, using old laboratories´ techniques, original artistic objects result of experience, creativity and manual ability. His work really emphasize the peculiar characteristics of the soft volterran stone.

Aulo Grandoli

Aulo Grandoli Master alabaster craftsman
He is a part of a family who made the history of alabaster in Volterra. Since he was a very young man, he breathed and whitewashed himself with alabaster dust in the family shop. He had various experiences in different specific fields of alabaster working. Ornamentalist at first, then sculptor of a figurative art becoming more and more complex in time, he even creates his own techniques and tools appropriate to each creative need. His work remains one of the most significant in alabaster craftsmanship of our time.
Leaning Tower of Pisa in alabaster
the gratest work of Art in Alabaster throughout the world

www.ellegrafica.com - info@ellegrafica.com
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