the artisans
Arte in Bottega
results: 1-17 / 17
- Alabaster
- Alabaster
Alabastri Pecchioni
- Alabaster
- Alabaster
Bianchi Romano
- Alabaster
- Alabaster
Boldrini Daniele
- Alabaster
- Alabaster
- Restoration of Antique paper
- Restoration of Antique paper
Fabula Etrusca
- Jewelry/Goldsmith
- Jewelry/Goldsmith
Gazzina Valdo
- Alabaster
- Alabaster
Giannelli Gloria
- Alabaster
- Alabaster
Laboratorio Orafo
- Jewelry/Goldsmith
- Jewelry/Goldsmith
Legatoria Artistica
- Decoration and binding
- Decoration and binding
- Graphics and printing
- Graphics and printing
Molesini Anna Maria
- Handwoven textiles
- Handwoven textiles
Montagnani Spartaco
- Bronze statuettes
- Bronze statuettes
Marco Ricciardi
- Alabaster
- Alabaster
TN di Trinciarelli Nello
- Wrought-iron
- Wrought-iron
Vitrium Volterra
- vetro
- vetro
Alessandro Marzetti
- alabastro
- alabastro
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